I'm thinking about starting a thread/ blog category of me summarizing long articles. Maybe I'll call it "1 minute reads".
Anyway, this article is great: 10 Netlify Features to Surprise and Delight
Here's the nutshell:
Instant Publishing and instant rollbacks
Each successful build creates a new version of your website which is never destroyed.
- Each update replaces old versions, but if you need to rollback quickly, you can.
- You can set up notifications via email/ slack etc for different deployment events, and these notifications include a permalink to that specific build. (See # 1 - each version has it's own link)
- You can deploy branches other than master.
- You can do split A/B testing easily.
You can customize the build commands per branch.
- This is useful if, for example, you use different commands for a testing branch than for master.
- Free SSL
- Continuous Integration
- You can use forms and Netlify will take care of the endpoint - you can even set up a notif to slack.
- Fast and efficient Redirects
- You can control the cache headers and more.
That's my synopsis, you'll have to read the full article (and/or documentation) to get the nitty gritty. 10 Netlify Features to Surprise and Delight